Wednesday, April 27, 2011

For want of grace

Read the above. I've just discovered the title to my life as a movie.

I was inspired by the humorous pictures and captions in an article titled "19 Awkward Signs for Common Moments." Especially when I realised that yes, I relate too much to these. As in most of these.

You can take a moment to scroll through this awesome Cracked piece I'm talking about so we can lol together (I'm a bit --OK, a lot-- of a Cracked addict) ....


My awkwardness used to make me cringe. It used to make me want to bury myself alive. I mean it. Hand me a shovel and some ground that wasn't cement, and see what I try to do.

But naturally, wisdom (that comes with the old age of 24) tells me I should cringe less and laugh at myself more. Hellyes. I love my inner sage.

I was a clumsy child, now I'm an awkward adult. If the world can learn to live with me, we will all be happier. If it can't, I will be a bit lonelier. But hopefully lonely with a sense of style.

Speaking of style, there was a complaint recently that I should dress a little more professionally.



.....Ya think?

~ ~ ~

Don't just say grace at mealtime; pray for it. That you may move smoothly to dessert without ruining your favourite shirt.
~Serpent 2:26


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Perfect slices of pop

There seems to be something magically electric and exuberant about 80s pop. Something that, for some strange reason, humanity has not seen fit to resurrect.

Pop has always been somewhat like that kid in the family whom everyone says "will never amount to much." Its company is enjoyed, it has a wide circle of friends, yet it is generally misunderstood. And seldom ever taken 'seriously', or as far as you care to take music seriously. (I've personally given that up a long time ago. If you love a song, you love it; if you don't, no amount of sledgehammering -- or being overanalytical and judgmental -- will change your mind.)

But there are some genuinely lush, flawlessly composed slices of power-pop that flourished in a decade many (funless and tightarsed) people consider to be laughably tacky. This here is one. Enjoy.

Not iconic enough for you? Try this

And finally:

After hearing that, surely the most logical question on your mind must be:

Why don't they make pop like this anymore?


Monday, April 11, 2011

Take what you can.

The serpent munches on Cheezels, her favourite teatime sin. Her new skin hums a happy tune under the leather jacket it will shortly shed. She looks to heaven and thinks maybe it will give her a shot.

What if it doesn't? Well, there is always today. And today should be enjoyed.

She has learnt not to take things for granted.

Just for now, all is right with the world. Shades of smoke and purple adorn her contemplative eyelids.

I must stop this talking in third person, she thinks. It sounds so godawfully egotistic.

And lock away the Cheezels for now. The steroids they pumped you with in the hospital already made your face a wee bit tubby. If you continue, the gods may punish you for making fun of fat people by making you one of them. A tubby serpent is somewhat of an aberration, considering don't eat my cows whole but rather in medium-rare cuts.

Then again, the favours of gods are random at best. Sometimes you win and sometimes...

Sometimes, you just have to enjoy what you can.

Jai guru deva om.
