Friday, December 2, 2011

The Beauty of Sarcasm

Here is a story about a Mexican fisherman; classic chain-email material. It's a story with a great ending. What's just as great is a reply from one of the readers immediately after.

Link here

And the pasted text here:

An investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna.

The banker complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The Mexican replied, "Only a little while."

The banker then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish?

The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.

The banker then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siestas with my wife, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine, and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life."

The investor scoffed, "I am an Ivy League MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, and eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. "

The investor continued, "And instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would then sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing, and distribution! You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then Los Angeles and eventually New York City, where you will run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But how long will this all take?"

To which the banker replied, "Perhaps 15 to 20 years."

"But what then?" asked the Mexican.

The banker laughed and said, "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions!"

"Millions. Okay, then what?" wondered the Mexican.

To which the investment banker replied, "Then you would retire. You could move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siestas with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

[And the reply....]

Matthew Gonzalez:
Ohmigod. I never knew how happy I was being dirt poor! Thank you,, for showing me how exciting and fulfilling a life of destitute poverty can really be! Truly, you have shown me the way.


Friday, November 25, 2011

for my grandfather


Where have I put my memories?

The same place as my dentures?
Where have I put the keys
To those dusty little drawers?

What is the time, familiar face?
I know you; or knew you. Didn’t I?
What year is it, friend or stranger?
Didn’t I use to be a dancer?

Where are the scattered brain cells
My body has forgotten?
Why is my mind locked out of my head?
Is it lost or simply dead?

Each day feels old and used before
Like long, recycled stories.
Where did I put my dentures?
The same place as my memories?


Friday, October 7, 2011


The steel maw sung in a discordant bray as the softly lit Down arrow invited passers-by to step in. Innocuous, a slow hulking thing in pain, yet menacing with its mechanical scream.


Friday, September 30, 2011

An Encounter

The taste of curry and cloves was still fresh on my tongue as his gaze shot through me like hot silk. He wasn’t even looking at me, but his sharp features that seemed to come from another land stole the sanity from my nerves. A flash of attraction in a chapatti shop; what were the gods of lust smoking?

~ ~

"It's like your first taste of vindaloo
That sets your heart on fire
And if you let the stuff get into you
It will be all that you desire

God, I love the sweet taste of India
Lingers on the tip of my tongue;
Gotta love the sweet taste of India
Blame it on the beat of the drum."

* * * * * *
We are creatures of lust. If we weren't, none of us would be.
Serpent 8:66


Friday, July 29, 2011

Lyrics of the day.


Touch in the flame's desires
Feeling the pain's denial,
And your fingers in the fire


Look in the candle light
See in the flame of life
And my spell is our lie

Taste the love,
The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb
The passion and all the pain are one,
You're sleeping in the fire
Taste the love,
The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb
You feel what it does and you're drunk on love,
You're sleeping in the fire

I gaze at the flame and fire burn
And cry out the name of which I yearn

Taste the love.
The Lucifer's magic that makes you numb
The passion and all the pain are one.
You're sleeping in the fire.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why do these two songs

seem strangely and delightfully similar? :)

Winnie the Pooh 2011 - The Backson

listen here (embedding disabled because Fuck You copyright Nazis)

Lovin' the dark-ish minor key on both. Well-crafted, awesome melodies.


Spambots: More Hateful Than The Average Pedophile

Spam always feels vaguely threatening even when you know they’re non-personal messages generated by bots. Maybe it’s because those bots were made by humans. Humans I hate more than bank robbers and pedophiles combined.

Spam is more than annoying. It is a crime against privacy. And I am one of those people who guard my personal space fiercely. I invite people openly into my space; but if you’re not invited, Stay The Fuck Out.

That’s just the irksome factor though. The threat factor comes from the spam machine feeling like just that - a machine. This thing is attacking you and you Don’t Know Why. Nevermind that you are simply one of a hundred or thousand getting stupid shit in your inbox or alerts; nevermind that spam has existed since the age of AOL and Hotmail (and not forgetting paper Junk Mail). It still arouses that powerful feeling of nausea, hatred and intrusion.

We can physically weed out the trash that comes in between our bills and letters. And adjust the Spam Filter settings on our email inbox to make all penis enhancement ads invisible. But many social networks do not as of yet have a proper bot detector; so till then, we will occasionally be barraged by a faceless, nameless army of cold-blooded privacy killers.

Be very afraid.

Disclaimer: The post title is a strict generalization and is inapplicable to pedophiles who indulge in rape, molestation and acts severely traumatizing to children. It does, however, suggest that spambot creators be placed in the same jail cell as them.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Work In Progress

 I am sorry.


Sorry that I have failed to live up to your expectations.


Sorry that despite your efforts in molding me and scolding me and guiding me and deriding me, the projection of your energies have been in vain.


Sorry that at the age of 24, going on 25, I have yet to attain what you seek of me.


I won’t pretend to be the dream you sought when you made me in an act of love. I am not a personification of perfection. I am not a divine creation. I am not Galatea. And you are not Pygmalion.*


I am not a building you can tear down and rebuild from scratch. I am not an immaculate statue given life. I am here; I have been born, and I have been made. Now it is time for me to make myself.


In the process of that remaking, I may be scratched and scarred; knocked down and showed up; played out and pushed in. I may thrive or fail. I may find an easy path. Or learn the hard way.


What can I say? I was not born complete. I was born of flesh and blood and intention. Or perhaps inattention. Perhaps an accident. Either way, I was born of you.


I came forth with your flaws, and to make things more interesting, I brought my own.


I am a wanderer finding my way.


I am a dreamer finding my dream.


I am flawed despite your efforts.


I am a work in progress, and I do not know when the work will be done.


Perhaps it never will.

 ~ ~


*Galatea was an ivory statue made by the sculptor Pygmalion, and given life through his prayer to the gods. He built her as an ideal woman, one who would rise above all others – a paragon of  perfection. In many ways, that is how we make children. We create them in an act of love and believe with all our hearts that they are just as we dreamt. But even dreams take time to come true. And sometimes they never do.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It Erases All Traces Of Your Life!

Hello, folks. This post could potentially damage my career, or not, depending on whether this thing even gets read at all. I have exactly 6 followers - that's more than one hand; woohoo! - but then again, I know quite a few people who stalk bloggers silently and invisibly. So.

Anti-Aging Products. Ladies, who wants to talk about their age? No? Honestly? Ma'am, you may look 30 but let's not kid ourselves. GETTING OLD IS WRONG! It is not enough to have healthy skin. Let's get real. Let's get immortalised, cryogenised, sanitised and Botoxised. Who knew you could look like a Photoshop image minus the toxins? Well Now You Can!

According to a recent advertorial (This Just In!) "The passing of time is every woman’s worst enemy." No shit, Sherlock. Ain't the passing of time every mortal's worst enemy? Do you wanna die? I don't. But the point is this: the ad ain't just telling you to make yourself happy by having fewer lines - if that rocks your boat, by all means. No, the ad is telling you that Aging Is Now Your Worst Enemy even if it wasn't five minutes before. Is that hammered into your pathetic geriatric skull yet? Good! Now we can sell you some creams.

A certain accomplished Asian celebrity has already been sold. Sold and bought. For copious amounts of money (hell, why not?) to spout lines that aren't hers about why W.A.W.: Wrinkles Are Wrong. She goes on to talk, in authentic-looking quote marks, about a miracle product or two that allows you ladies to be just as radiant if not as wealthy as her. Because wealth, fame, talent and a trim booty just ain't worth a crap without 20-year-old skin.

Here's some trivia. I found out about two years ago that it is perfectly legal to have brand ambassadors say whatever you want them to in printed materials (or situations where the actual ambassador is not present) without them ever having said it. "SHITE. You mean my dentist didn't really say those things about the toothbrush I've been using for five years?" Guess you'll have to ask him in person eh?

Of course, I shouldn't be saying this. I'm in bloody advertising. But here's what I do love about advertising: giving people ways to feel good.
I enjoy getting into people's minds, finding out what they want, what they need from a brand. (Is it manipulative? Perhaps. Come on; if you hated it, you wouldn't buy it. Don't look at me that way.) What I don't enjoy is telling people that This is Wrong and This is Right. "What you thought of as annoying but natural is, in fact, Bollocks!"

But what's even sadder is that thousands of readers are gonna eat it up. If not consciously, then in the back of their minds that already worry about how they no longer look like they left school yesterday. Hmm. Not exactly a mood-lifter. But why lift your mood when you can lift your face?

A face unlined is a life unlived. And now there are products that will eliminate the evidence. To wipe out all traces of what I have been through is like a kick in the head. A facial concussion that denies you ever laughed, cried, made love, sang, smoked pot,
baked in the sun, went crazy at a rock show, nicked your chin in a friendly fight.

What will it take to make a change? Well, if we can simultaneously and collectively ignore all calls to look younger and instead look great - two things that should not be confused - I think the world might actually tilt on its axis a little bit. Y'know, from the weight of women NOT reaching for the nearest miracle anti-aging cream. Or the card with Dr Botox's number on it.

Now at this point, some smart-ass will point out that for all my ideals,
I just breached some serious ethics by speaking against brands that we are helping to endorse. But look; it's marketing. Marketing is about getting people to buy, think or react. Success depends on the reaction of the consumer. Am I committing a crime of contradiction? Or am I reacting as a consumer?

But heck. Who am I to talk, you ask! I turn 25 this November. By the time I reach my 40th November, I might be singing a different tune. But for now, here's something from Mark Twain - a dead guy who lived well.

"Life is short. Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, laugh uncontrollably, and
never regret anything that makes you smile."

~ ~ ~

Scars are evidence that you have fought, and lived.
Serpent 5:11


Monday, July 4, 2011

It All Went Downhill From Here.

Was researching our very first Prime Minister (local equivalent of the President title) for an ad, and --after a horribly un-paragraphed, lengthily disorganised Wikipedia entry -- found this page.

Note how both the website's tagline and header hammer in the fact that Mr Tunku Abdul Rahman was the First And GREATEST. The Internet is not always a sacred chalice of accuracy, but in this case I beg to proclaim:

That headline is absolutely right.

In all probability he won the Politician With The Least Shit Up His Creek award, back in the day. If he were around now he'd be among maybe three people contending for it.

Today we have a dude whose idea of keeping the peace is forcefully silencing people with opinions (with gas, cannons & the works; mark my words this Saturday). And writing bad slogans.

The occasional violence I can deal with. But one more crappy sloganised campaign? When the next one is launched, the best thing for everyone to do is to Collectively Not Give A Shit.

You know what, stick THAT on a banner. Or a poster, or a laughably crap logo done in 5 mins in MS Paint. DEAR NAJIB, WE COLLECTIVELY DO NOT GIVE A SHIT.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trial By Fire

I have been cleansed by pain

And I refuse to abstain

from the pleasures that drive

me to stick with this life.

Those who tell me to bend

will have their pride to defend

I have been tried by fire

And I'm as strong as they stand.

random poetry. (or maybe not so random....but i don't feel like telling this story just now)


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Phones With Attitude

How many of you have smartphones?

(Counts raised hands)

How many of you have smartphones that look like black oblong bars? (Or look like it fell off the Blackberry bush - even though it's a Nokia?)

Thought so.
Helping to market mobile products for the past few months have exposed me to a fairly wide range of the latest-&-greatest in phone tech. Except I keep having to look twice and thrice at the model name because - oh - most of 'em look the damn same.

In fact, without your custom skin, you could plonk your iPhone on a table with five other i-Oblongs and not be able to pick it out. (Try it.) Yet I know there ARE smartphones out there that are far from lazy when it comes to outstanding form factor. Now I'm not talking concept phones, but gadgets produced for the mass market, or at least are ready to hit the production line. And they don't cost half a million bucks either. (OK, maybe one or two do.) They are also usable and not so high-art that you can't send a simple text message with it.

With that in mind, I've cherry-picked 10 aesthetically daring beauties for your viewing pleasure. Strictly viewing, since most of 'em are locally unavailable...

10. The Outsider

Sure some of you may laugh at its retro outline. But look at that side profile! The sheer slenderness beats most of the fancy-schmancy models out there. Plus last I checked, black & orange makes a statement in almost any country (except countries that hunt tigers in long grass, in which case it might be a dangerous sort of statement).

9. The Chute

Yes, it desperately needs a less rubbishy name. On the other hand, a Freakin' Wood Phone. You wanna be avant-garde? You wanna be Nature's bff? Get on it. Your eco-bitch friends will be so jealous they'll regret blowing a chunk on their smugly be-sloganed Anya Hindmarch bags.

Besides, the lil icon on the back looks like sweet, sweet weed.

8. Casio Commando

Commando. Now that's a real man's name. And I'm saying that as a woman.

This smartphone is not so much beautiful as badass. It smacks of something the hero of a military action movie would whip out and bark commands into, likely ending with some gruff witticism that will be immortalised in IMDB's top Film Quotes. Plus it comes with Android tech! Hear that yuppies? Put down that emasculating, wafer-thin thing already.

7. Fender HTC

You can already hear the perfect twang of a well-tuned Stratocaster as you lay this on the table, while your Berry-toting colleagues very secretly admire this vintage-styled beauty and wish for a sliver of its caramel sexiness. Too bad; they've spent their bucks on what everyone else is already carrying. Coz they don't know rock 'n roll till they see it.

6. Blackberry Empathy

Wait, was I dissing Berries? Forget I said that. Occasionally they drop the standard oh-so-sleek lines for stuff like this. It looks...totally un-phone-like. And more like a piece of basalt carved straight from a post-volcanic bed, and polished for your pleasure baby. The only reason I'm not rating this higher is because of its slightly uncomfortable grip, and because your fingers might fall off if you try heavy-duty texting on those buttons.

5. Enever Bamboo

Literally. Bamboo. It's lighter and more durable than plastic, and has the bonus of ruling ass in the biodegradable sector (along with the earlier woodphone). Nice contemporary lines married with a touch of vintagey awesomeness. And the classy matte black just completes the package. It's a little thick - but thick only equals ugly when you're talking humans, IMHo.

4. Nokia x7

I have seen an epic space vehicle in this shape before. It might have been in Star Wars, I can't remember. The x7 certainly proves that sometimes, great design is in the details. It looks like a standard touchscreen phone in most aspects - except that it dares to break the boundaries of sleek modernist curves. Its reward: bold, angular chic that is outstanding without trying.

3. The Versace

That purple is so bright it's almost ridiculously awesome. Who would dare put out a dare-you-to-afford-it, luxury phone in that shade? Only Versace. (And maybe the late McQueen.) Plonk that on the table and instantly mark your diva territory. Mariah/J Lo 2.0 has arrived, y'all.

And look, it even comes in a more subtle and very sexy black:

Suggestive of opulently framed glass doors at the front, and quietly expensive embossed leather at the back. CLASSY.

3. The Lamborghini

Too bad the racer-boys I know couldn't afford this if they sold their modified cars and cycled to work for the next five years. If as a designer you're briefed to translate a dangerously sporty car into a pocket-sized phone without making it look like a rejected Transformer, this is how to do it. Look at that. I'm not even into cars (except for miniature ones which I used to collect)...and even my heart is racing.

1. Vertu Constellation Quest

It's a personification of the most well-paid, charismatic, Savile Row-wearing, cufflink-sporting boardroom shark you know ...on steroids.

You can already imagine this going with a dark crimson power tie and nicely buffed leather shoes. Forget golf on weekends; this person forgoes the typical "look at me I'm rich" trappings for something truly unusual and insanely expensive, like collecting yachts and buying a harbour in which to display them.

'Constellation Quest' may sound like a braggadacious mouthful. But not if you've got the money to back it up, baby.

~ ~ ~

The devil is in the details. And without details, the world would be a terribly dull place.
Serpent 5:45


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

For want of grace

Read the above. I've just discovered the title to my life as a movie.

I was inspired by the humorous pictures and captions in an article titled "19 Awkward Signs for Common Moments." Especially when I realised that yes, I relate too much to these. As in most of these.

You can take a moment to scroll through this awesome Cracked piece I'm talking about so we can lol together (I'm a bit --OK, a lot-- of a Cracked addict) ....


My awkwardness used to make me cringe. It used to make me want to bury myself alive. I mean it. Hand me a shovel and some ground that wasn't cement, and see what I try to do.

But naturally, wisdom (that comes with the old age of 24) tells me I should cringe less and laugh at myself more. Hellyes. I love my inner sage.

I was a clumsy child, now I'm an awkward adult. If the world can learn to live with me, we will all be happier. If it can't, I will be a bit lonelier. But hopefully lonely with a sense of style.

Speaking of style, there was a complaint recently that I should dress a little more professionally.



.....Ya think?

~ ~ ~

Don't just say grace at mealtime; pray for it. That you may move smoothly to dessert without ruining your favourite shirt.
~Serpent 2:26


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Perfect slices of pop

There seems to be something magically electric and exuberant about 80s pop. Something that, for some strange reason, humanity has not seen fit to resurrect.

Pop has always been somewhat like that kid in the family whom everyone says "will never amount to much." Its company is enjoyed, it has a wide circle of friends, yet it is generally misunderstood. And seldom ever taken 'seriously', or as far as you care to take music seriously. (I've personally given that up a long time ago. If you love a song, you love it; if you don't, no amount of sledgehammering -- or being overanalytical and judgmental -- will change your mind.)

But there are some genuinely lush, flawlessly composed slices of power-pop that flourished in a decade many (funless and tightarsed) people consider to be laughably tacky. This here is one. Enjoy.

Not iconic enough for you? Try this

And finally:

After hearing that, surely the most logical question on your mind must be:

Why don't they make pop like this anymore?


Monday, April 11, 2011

Take what you can.

The serpent munches on Cheezels, her favourite teatime sin. Her new skin hums a happy tune under the leather jacket it will shortly shed. She looks to heaven and thinks maybe it will give her a shot.

What if it doesn't? Well, there is always today. And today should be enjoyed.

She has learnt not to take things for granted.

Just for now, all is right with the world. Shades of smoke and purple adorn her contemplative eyelids.

I must stop this talking in third person, she thinks. It sounds so godawfully egotistic.

And lock away the Cheezels for now. The steroids they pumped you with in the hospital already made your face a wee bit tubby. If you continue, the gods may punish you for making fun of fat people by making you one of them. A tubby serpent is somewhat of an aberration, considering don't eat my cows whole but rather in medium-rare cuts.

Then again, the favours of gods are random at best. Sometimes you win and sometimes...

Sometimes, you just have to enjoy what you can.

Jai guru deva om.


Monday, March 28, 2011


i wonder if I should give this whole Attractive Female thing a try.

As in...feminine, nice hair, heels, the whole works. Or at least a more girly-esque version of what I'm rocking now.

Not anything overt or trying too hard. Just something different.

And other times,


other times I don't give a fuck.

Yeah, you know what, screw it. Nikki Sixx wore lipstick in the 80s and was a chick magnet. Steven Tyler wears grandma scarves and looks smokin' hot. Pink has man-abs and a boycut, and couldn't be sexier.

Fuck you self-doubt.

There's no point in pretending for someone. I am very much attracted to him. But I'm not gonna change for him. So what if I do manage to hook him initially? How long will I play-act? No, man. Screw that.

I have always lived sincerely. And I always will in as much as I can help it.


Monday, February 21, 2011

I Refuse to Answer / Keep Running

This anthemic song is so insanely fist-pounding and spirit-igniting, I just had to share it. For full impact, listen to the Glee version here

* * *

Sing it out
Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
For every time that they want to count you out
Use your voice every single time you open up your mouth

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out
for the ones that'll hate your guts

Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world

Sing it out
Boy, they're gonna sell what tomorrow means
Sing it out
Girl, they're gonna kill what tomorrow brings
You've got to make a choice if the music drowns you out
Raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world

Cleaned up,
Corporation progress

Dying in the process

Children that can talk about it
Living on the webways
People moving sideways
Sell it till your last days
Buy yourself the motivation

Generation nothing,
Nothing but a dead scene
Product of a black dream
I am not the singer that you wanted,
but a dancer

I refuse to answer; talk about the past, sir
Wrote it for the ones that want to get away.

Keep running --

Sing it for the boys, sing it for the girls
Every time that you lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you're not
Singing out for the ones that'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone that you left behind
Sing it for the world, sing it for the world
You've got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world

You've got to be what tomorrow needs
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world.

Society smiles on the beautiful, but fortune favours the bold. So sing it loud and sing it shamelessly.
Serpent 9:99


Friday, February 18, 2011

too many times to make it home

I told someone my skin is not half as serious as, say, liver cancer; yet liver cancer doesn't make people look at you like you are a cancer.

You know, amputees get treated better. and they never did get asked by their schoolmates if they have a disease.

what did you call me
that's what i've been to some people. a disease.
you say i should be over that but i ain't. deal with it.

see if it breaks me
i've been dealing.

so don't look me in the eye and tell me it can't be that bad. not unless, perhaps, you care to put me back together.

i'm not easy to deal with but you were warned. i told you i'm not an easy friend to have because i'm messed up inside. been messed up for too long.

do i disgust you?

Now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground and you don't talk so loud
And you don't walk so proud

Well, I jumped into the river
Too many times to make it home
I'm out here on my own, and drifting all alone
If it doesn't show give it time to read between the lines


lyrics from this song


Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Theory Of Monsters

The most terrifying creatures are reflections of what they project. Those that only torment us but are themselves tormented.

Monsters who move with twisted limbs or stilted walk, who leap in freakish fashion instead of an invincible bound, who seem to have woken after a decade or a century of untold suffering.

Ghosts with sad faces, vengeful child-spooks with haunted eyes, persistent whispers in the afterworld that come from having been hurt in life.

The tragic Frankenstein who was created and then deserted. The werewolf who howls with the pain of every transformation. The Blade bloodsuckers with split gaping maws who seem to have been made as a result of torturous experiment. Zombies with remnants of their slow, diseased deaths - and echoes of their former selves - clinging to their grey skin.

Without this element of tragedy, a monster is not truly complete. Monsters are more than just our darker sides. They are the dimension where we keep our sorrow and anger, anxiety and fear. And when we fail to deal with those fears, the monster finally bursts forth.

We are them and they are us.

The most feared boogeyman is one who has your face.


Monday, February 7, 2011

My Serpentine

Hello, my pretties. Featured beauty of the day:

This amazing pencilwork is the masterpiece of a gifted amateur artist known as deru-san. A former college mate who graduated as Most Likely To Succeed in her class. Her main interest is manga & anime art but she sometimes does all kinds of interesting things on the side. Her current stint in Japan probably means she is only getting more fascinating while riding the weird, awesome creative streak the Japanese are known for.

It is freezing in Nihon-land right now, she says. Just right now, I can definitely feel her: the air conditioning in my office is near unbearable on a rainy day, and my fingernails are turning an interesting shade of grey-blue as I type.

this picture currently adorns my desktop in all its serpentine glory. It definitely 'speaks' to me. Sometimes I wish I was a reptile because people don't treat reptiles like freaks for having scaly splotchy skin. The other day I walked into a restaurant, all ready to enjoy a nice dinner, when some nosy idiot exercised her right to be rudely curious and asked if I had an allergy. (A Brit or Northern European would have politely told you to Fuck Off and Mind Your Own Business.)

So.....(why is this becoming about me again?)

Enjoy the works of the exquisitely talented and irritatingly modest deru-san. Have a good week, y'all. I know I ain't.

~ ~ ~ ~

There is a special kind of hell for those who treat a human being as a freakshow without having the courtesy to at least pay for the show.
Serpent 7:2


Monday, January 31, 2011

Let's Skin Us Some Pirates: Neverland's bloodfest as written by Barrie

Mr Tarantino has nothing on J.M. Barrie. The author of the beloved Peter Pan was a small, frail man with an imagination that rivaled the bloodlust of Blackbeard, a writer who unleashed a romp through the fantasy battlefield of little boys – but with a very real body count.

Not that anyone makes a big deal of it. All's fair in child's play, after all. And Peter is nothing if not fair.

"There's a pirate asleep in the pampas just beneath us," Peter told him. If you like, we'll go down and kill him."

"Suppose," John said, “he were to wake up.”

Peter spoke indignantly. “You don’t think I would kill him while he was sleeping! I would wake him first, then kill him. That’s the way I always do.”

He’s not just bragging, either.

He often went out alone, and you were never absolutely certain whether he had had an adventure or not. He might have forgotten about it completely; and then when you went out you found the body…

These charming bits more or less give you a picture of the sort of wonderland we’re visiting. That is, the sort where life is cheaper than a pint of pirate rum.

The boys on the island vary in numbers, according as they get killed and so on; and when they seem to be growing up, which is against the rules, Peter thins them out.

And by ‘thinning them out’, I have no choice but to assume He Offs Them.

Probably by throwing them to the crocodile.

Then again, facing a man like James Hook repeatedly must cultivate a ruthless streak in the sweetest of boys – not that Pan (Barrie’s Pan, not Disney’s) has ever been sweet. When your entire life ambition involves taking down one of fiction’s most awesome villains, you want to have a heart that matches your balls of steel. Mr Barrie takes utmost delight in demonstrating Hook’s sheer badassery in this one paragraph:

Let us now kill a pirate, to show Hook’s method. Skylights will do. As they pass, Skylights lurches clumsily against him, ruffling his lace collar; the hook shoots forth, there is a tearing sound and one screech, then the body is kicked aside and the pirates pass on. He has not even taken the cigars from his mouth.

Around the line ‘Skylights will do’, you begin to get the feeling that the isle of Neverland takes murder lightly. And not just-another-day-in-a-mafia-thug’s-life lightly. More like tra-la-la lightly. Neverland does not breed sissies. It is a place where the most ‘pathetic’ of men is one who affectionately names his sword as he twists and turns it in your wound.

You read me.

“Shall I after him, captain,” asked pathetic Smee, “and tickle him with Johnny Corkscrew?” Smee had pleasant names for everything, and his cutlass was Johnny Corkscrew because he wriggled it in the wound. One could mention many loveable traits in Smee. For instance, after killing, it was his spectacles he wiped instead of his weapon.

In case you hadn’t noticed, that’s Mr Smee. The so-called ‘good guy’ pirate in every film adaptation of Pan thereafter, the one who might reluctantly slug a fellow man but spare the children. Tough luck, kids. If you’re lucky he won’t wriggle that blade too much. Oh and, since he’s too busy cleaning his glasses, your blood will have the honour of adorning his instrument of death.

It’s not just the pirates who are to be feared, either. Neverland is a savage place, and by the time night falls it’s best to be safely tucked up in the Lost Boys’ secret burrow. You’re not in the sterile paper cut-out forest of picture books. You’re in the jungle, baby.

The redskins disappear as soon as they have come, like shadows, and soon their place is taken by the beasts, a great and motley procession: lions, tigers, bears, and the innumerable smaller savage things that flee from them; for every kind of beast and, more particularly, the man-eaters, live cheek by jowl on the island. Their tongues are hanging out, and they are hungry tonight.

Oh, and traipsing around to dance with the fairies might be a good idea, or not, depending on whether it’s Orgy night.

You read me.

The little house looked so cosy and safe in the darkness, with a bright light showing through its blinds, and the chimney smoking beautifully, and Peter standing on guard. After a time he fell asleep, and some unsteady fairies had to climb over him on their way home from an orgy.

Now this story was written at a time when ‘gay’ meant happy, so I’m fairly sure the fairies weren’t unsteady from attempting the reverse cowgirl while airborne. But somehow it doesn’t make the context any less...intriguing. To quote from the fairly reliable, an orgy could also be:

-Uncontrolled or immoderate indulgence in an activity

-A secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities, typically involving frenzied singing, dancing, drinking, and sexual activity

. . .

You know what, screw it. I’m going with the second definition.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Trying to get it right

I should be working. I got jobs screaming at me like a two-year-old tantrum-throwing motherfucker in the supermarket aisle.

Instead I'm one inch away from crying and I hate it.

By the way, I've noticed this default position I adopt when I'm feeling screwed up or just don't know what to do with myself. If I have a table or desk in front of me -- which I do now -- I go into a sort of foetal position. Or the sitting equivalent, anyway. Forearms close together, pressed on the desk edge, body hunched forward, head down and my hands clasping my mouth and nose.

It's a little like Rodin's Thinker, but without the grace and panache. A pensive and decidedly anti-social stance that says Go Away, I'm Thinking Dark Wiggly Neurotic Thoughts. No doubt the Thinker was being more philosophical than neurotic when he adopted that famed pose; but anyway. He sure as hell wasn't humming a Care Bear tune, judging by that frown.

It takes a load of facial muscles to frown. And I should really be conserving my energy for something more useful -- like, say, work. Y'know, the stuff that paid for the quality leather jacket I'm wearing.

But before that, I just need to get this out of my head. Else I'll just fritter away the entire bloody day thinking gloomy foetal thoughts.


Sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait
Sometimes I get so tense,
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, there's one more thing to consider

I've been walking these streets at night
Just trying to get it right
It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in a crowd
And the streets don't change but maybe the name
I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you
Well, I need you


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Nothing's Gonna Change My World

Having recently rewatched that fantabulous musical film Across The Universe, I am tempted to muse on a dream I had some three or four years ago. A dream that began in chaos and confusion but ended in a strange, peaceful feeling. And I say strange because I have never felt like that in real life. Yet.

The song began playing about three quarters into that muddled pillow-cradled thought-phantasm. I'm not sure why. I had no particular fixation on it at the time; hadn't even listened to it once that day. But it blew like gentle breeze into my miserably confused psychological opera. There is a wonderful subtle glow of acceptance in those words: "Nothing's gonna change my world." Repeat it, say it again and again, when your hopes and your very self is on the verge of being blown to smithereens like an absinthe glass at the end of a deadshot Colt.

It works.

In the dream I was struck with a semi-realization that I can't, in the conscious realm, put a name on. But I think that all it was saying, was this.

Embrace change, but also embrace what you can't change.

For all things are temporary. (Some Buddhist philosophy for you; if John were alive right now he'd tell it to ya.)

Nothing lasts forever. And everything - joy, pain, sorrow - will pass.

Jai guru deva ohm.

~ ~ ~

Few things are built for eternity. Even Paradise can fall. And it will fall again, and rise again. Such is the way of the great circle.
Serpent 17:19


Friday, January 7, 2011

This is for you, baby.

I know you've been reading. I know you've been watching.

It's quite flattering. I always wonder how many people actually read these things. Probably more than I think.

Keep doing it.

Keep stalking me. You know who you are.

Maybe you'll wear your yellow pants next...


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


If Satan the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit, then Satan is responsible for carnal knowledge aka sex, which means he is responsible for Our Very Existence - and not God.

Just a theory.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Toxic Twins present...

"There once was a young girl from Dallas
Who used a dynamite stick as a phallus;
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And her asshole in Buckingham Palace."

Just one of the many gems in this precious, precious vid. Fine impromptu comedy all the way from the vaults of the 80s.

