Sunday, June 10, 2012

30 Days of Writing: Day 3

(From a random challenge of random words, from which we are to create a story, a snippet, a poem, a ramble, a vignette...anything, really.)


“I’m telling you, I DON’T sleep. Least, not till it’s nearly time to wake. I drag myself from bed with every fibre of my being screaming for me to lie back down. I pour searing coffee down my gullet in some faint hope that it will do something. You’d think after three nights of the damn same I would drop dead from sheer exhaustion. But no! Come nightfall, I have the energy of a million suns. Who cares that the darkness beneath my eyes tell a different story? I am mad. I am magnificent. I draw insanely detailed doodles and dance and debate furiously over little things. Don’t try to tame me. I own the night. And the day will not defeat me.”


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